+ actually keep the results


In this book, you'll learn:

How fat loss actually works, so you're no longer spinning your wheels with false claims like "carbs are the root of all evil."

Things become a lot easier when you're acting based on science.

Ways to work WITH your metabolism.

Your body is dynamic and always changing. It's important to understand how to work WITH it during fat loss if you want to maintain your results.

The best approach for you to ensure your relationship with food remains solidly intact.

Sure, physique change can be great, but it's not worth your mental well-being. We aim for both around here!

Ready to get leaner while keeping your mind right along the way?

Get your free ebook here!


Who benefits from this?

This book is for you if...

You have a healthy relationship with food already and desire to get leaner while protecting your stress-free mindset with food.

You're unsure how fat loss really works, so it feels like you're throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping it sticks.

You've been able to lose weight many times in the past, but you have no idea what to do once you get the results.

After working hard on your relationship with food, the idea of intentional fat loss feels confusing. You only have experience with extremes, obsession, or fad diets and refuse to go down that road again.

You're done with trying to get results as quickly as possible and instead are interested in KEEPING the results...and it takes as long as it takes.

Food and your body aren't the most important things in your life, and you want to keep it that way. You want results AND you want to adhere to your most important life time with family!

Grab your copy here!


Meet the author

Hi, I'm Jess!

After nearly a decade of obsessing about food and my body, I had enough of that story and decided to write a new one for myself based on freedom, fulfillment, and empowerment. I was DONE playing my other people's rules. Done with the extremes. Done with the BS diet rules. Done believing my body was my primary source of value in the world.

I became certified from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating in 2017 and have since guided 100s of women to the same glorious freedom with food that I still enjoy today!

As my work with these clients evolved, I noticed a common pattern. They still wanted to look a certain way (after they improved their food mindset, of course), but they didn't know if it was possible or allowed.

Could they achieve their physique goals and still feel stress-free about food? Were they allowed to pursue intentional weight loss despite the loud anti-diet crowd? Could they do it in a sustainable way? The answer to these questions is a resounding YES.

I strongly believe each and every woman can do with her body as she pleases - no permission necessary. At the same time, I would absolutely love for each woman to do so with massive amounts of self-respect.

This is exactly what we do in my world, and I'll be showing you how to get started inside of this book. Keep your love of food AND become the woman who keeps the weight off for good.