Healthy Habit Foundations

By Jessie Golden

The step-by-step, online course that will guide you to developing rock solid, healthy habits FOR GOOD!


Live in Moderation

Say goodbye to miserable extremes & say hello to a lifestyle that prioritizes your health AND enjoyment. Win, win!

Prepare for Weight Loss

Build foundational healthy habits first, and more intentional weight loss becomes a hell of a lot easier down the road! P.s. you can still achieve that in here!

Become Your Own Guru

Unlearn the nutrition BS while empowering yourself to develop a lifestyle YOU love to live.

Let's see if this sounds familiar...

You’ve been doing the dieting thing for quite some time, or you may have even ventured into a more intuitive way of eating…

…yet your eating, exercise & lifestyle habits still don’t feel solid.

They don’t feel stable & “dialed in”. There’s room to feel better; to be more consistent.

You live in a confusing state of wanting more structure but not knowing how to NOT make things restrictive.

You want to feel confident in your food & exercises choices, knowing full well what is rooted in evidence vs. trendy tips & tricks.

You’re tired of feeling like “moderation” is a word only for the special unicorns…

…and you dream of eating & living in a way that aligns your health with YOUR life values.

You’re done with people telling you to skip the happy hours, sacrifice donuts with your kids on Sundays, and live off of “clean eats” for the rest of your life.

You want to live according to what YOU find important - cocktails, desserts, adventures, health - you want to have it all.

And yet, you have no idea where to begin without going on another diet OR saying “fuck it” and living the YOLO life.

“Do I have to eat meat & veggies at every meal?”
“But how will I handle vacations?”
“Do I have to say no to eating out & spontaneity with friends?”

You live in a state of confusion with food most of the time, wondering what is or isn’t true. What is or isn’t healthy.

You might even know what to do, but you just can’t seem to put it into practice! You don’t know how to shift your habits.

And if weight loss is a goal, you believe that you must do something EXTREME to achieve your results, so you’ve never taken the time to build a stable (flexible) foundation…

…a foundation of HABITS.

Moderation has always seemed so boring. So average. Something that will never get you to your goals.

You haven’t been taught that you have to earn the right to pursue more advanced weight loss strategies! Truly, it’s not your fault.

The gurus haven’t told you that you need consistency with healthy habits FIRST if you ever stand a chance at maintaining weight loss results.

You deeply desire to live a lifestyle of healthy, enjoyable habits that you don’t even have to think about…
…yet you wonder if you’ll ever be able to achieve that while looking the way you want.

“Can I live a lifestyle of balanced healthy habits, enjoy my life, and be able to achieve my physique goals?”, you wonder.

Now imagine...

You wake up & begin your day after a beautiful night’s rest, knowing exactly how you’ll fuel yourself for breakfast.

You know what food choices make your body & mind feel best, so you’re never swayed by what the other women are doing.

No overthinking. No reading the latest blogs or nutrition articles. Just a calm execution of seamless, healthy habits.

Your meals are perfectly curated to YOU. You only eat what you enjoy while also ensuring your body feels its best. 

That’s right…you’ve discovered your magical formula of health AND delicious-ness.

You go about your day not thinking about food until it’s time to eat, and you know exactly what to eat when the time comes.

Happy hour after work? No stress.

Vacation mode on? You know exactly what to do.

Back to back meetings all day? You’ve got it in the bag.

What you once had to force yourself to do with food & movement now comes naturally. 

You have complete confidence with yourself around food, booze & exercise.

If you walk into a party with limited healthy food choices, you don’t miss a beat! You know what your “big rocks” are, and you don’t sweat the details.

Confidence mode - ON.

You have the tools to navigate any social situation with ease. 

You know exactly what foods are worth it to you & which aren’t. Zero resistance involved!

If you want to enjoy a few cocktails, you know your limits & how balance them with your food choices.

If dessert is your bread & butter, you have some of whatever lights you UP - without feeling like you overdid it.

You have everything you need to making conscious, delicious, and healthy choices, regardless of what life throws at you.

In time, you realize you’re the empowered woman you’ve always known yourself to be.

You prioritize taking amazing care of your body & mind.

Sleep, stress, exercise, food…all dialed in & managed with ease.

No extremes. No punishing yourself. Just automated, effective habits that carry you throughout your beautiful, ever-changing life.

[yes, those habits shift & change as you do!]

This is the result of a balanced, customized, evidence-based approach.

You feel relaxed. 

You feel deeply confident in your ability to nourish yourself in all ways.

You feel like YOU! 

The empowered, badass version of you that was always lurking beneath the surface.

Your body feels healthy & vibrant…

…and your mind does too.

You’ve built a new foundation for yourself, and your confidence has skyrocketed.

You’re now prepared to pursue any future goals - weight loss, muscle building, physical competitions - with such ease.

All the puzzle pieces have finally fallen into place.

What clients are saying!

"I did trips and dinner with friends, and normally that would have caused me anxiety, so I was so surprised that I lose two pounds with just establishing my balanced baseline (you learn in the course!)."

- Kristina G.

"I've seen changes in the way my clothes fit; the way that I sleep." I've stuck to all the habits I've created!

I really suggest that you check out this program if you're feeling overwhelmed about how to achieve your goals."

- Katie B.


Healthy Habit Foundations

My process inside Healthy Habits Foundations (HHF) facilitates the transformation of your lifestyle habits from scattered & ineffective to structured & consistent.

That means you spend less time on things that don’t matter to your health, fitness or physique goals and free up your mind to focus on what actually matters in life…

…all while you feel AMAZING within your body & mind.

And the best part? You won’t have to think about HOW to do this all of the time, because these will simply be how you live. 

Say hello to your new automatic, healthy habits!

You’ve built a solid foundation of food, exercise & lifestyle habits that are curated to YOUR:






You have the solid ability to adapt to anything life throws your way - career, relationships, parties, vacations, pandemics🙃

When life gets chaotic, you don’t.

You finally understand what it means to live with “moderation” - the magical land where you effortlessly eat, move & live with your health & enjoyment in balance.

With this newfound foundation, you’re able to approach any future weight loss goals with MASSIVE confidence & ease.

You almost can’t believe you tried to do it any other way.

Your confidence & peace in the way you live is unparalleled.

Inside you will...

  • Understand why you’re making your current food & lifestyle choices.
  • Learn how habits are formed and the various strategies you can leverage to change them.
  • Discover what your balanced baseline is, the big rock healthy habits that most people should be implementing consistently, and how they may need to be adjusted for you.
  • Learn how much food quality matters when it comes to your health and how you can consistently make better choices while living a balanced life with the foods you love.
  • Uncover how to tune into, understand, and honor your hunger & fullness cues.
  • Understand how to make changes in a manageable way to ensure long-lasting consistency & sustainability.
  • Learn how to navigate eating out, being social, and going outside of your routines while maintaining healthy habits.
  • Discover how to meal prep, batch cook, and making cooking an easy & enjoyable experience!

"This program really helped to reshape how I look at food, my ability to reassess how foods affect me - physically & mentally. But most importantly, I feel like I built habits that will sustain me for the rest of my life."

- Kristina

"I got the tools I needed and the permission to relax, be mindful, and enjoy life. Inadvertently, I also lost 6 lbs., which is amazing!"

- Adrienne

"My win is consistency of change. I haven't had the brain space to think about [weight loss], but I fluctuated to a new number anyway! I wasn't even trying, but I'm just less obsessed with food."



  • Understand why your current habits look the way they do & what’s really required to change them.
  • Get clear on how habits work & the mindset shifts required to make them stick.
  • Learn the proven methods to true habit change to begin shifting yours ASAP.
  • Discover what a “Balanced Baseline” is & why it’s so vital to your long-term success.
  • Learn the big rock healthy habits you should be focusing on (hint: it’s not what you think!)
  • Understand what really matters with nutrition & exercise to achieve & sustain results.
  • Uncover what really matters with food quality. Is “clean eating” really required? Let’s find out!
  • Learn how to incorporate your favorite foods (or drinks!) in ways that still allow you to be healthy & balanced.
  • Discover the various strategies for implementing moderation & how to begin structuring your meals.
  • Understand the various stages of hunger & fullness and how to tune into yours.
  • Learn what to do if you can’t actually feel your cues!
  • Discover how to “navigate the middle” as you say goodbye to that overly full feeling.
  • Uncover the best strategies for implementing changes without overwhelm.
  • Discover my top tool for making lifestyle changes that stick.
  • Learn how to navigate any situation outside of your typical routine with ease & confidence.
  • Understand how to identify what foods/drinks are worth it to you or not…and how to actually honor that.
  • Discover my best tips for managing how others respond to your lifestyle choices.
  • Learn the various levels of cooking & nourishing yourself. Surprise: you don’t have to become a chef (or even cook!).
  • Discover my favorite method for preparing healthy food options with ease without ever getting bored.
  • Gain access to my seasonal meal prep guides that will take you from dreading food prep to dreaming of it😍

HHF is for you if...

  • You don’t experience big extremes with food behaviors (like bingeing), but your food & exercise choices are inconsistent or lack structure.
  • You only know how to be dieting or gaining weight. Maintaining your weight is a foreign concept that you want to experience!
  • You don’t know how to combine structure with flexibility. But you want to!
  • You struggle to find balance in social situations where you don’t have control over your food or beverage choices.
  • You can’t seem to find the balance of making choices that are healthy but also enjoyable. That happy medium is foreign.
  • You spend so much time learning to latest nutrition information, yet you feel more confused than ever. You just want to know what actually matters.
  • You know what to do what food, but you just have difficulty making the changes. The HOW is the challenge.
  • You have goals to change your body, and you want to do it the right way. But your eating & exercise habits are so inconsistent that you don’t know where to start.
  • You look at people who effortlessly make healthy choices like they’re aliens. You want some of that!
  • You drive yourself crazy by trying to be “perfect” with your food choices & want find a balance.
  • You’re confused by everyone telling you to do intermittent fasting, keto, go low carb, become a vegan, etc. and have no idea what the best approach is.
  • You want to build healthy habits for LIFE that don’t require you starting over every Monday.
  • You have a pretty good relationship with food but just need to dial in your habits & focus on behavior changes.
  • You’re ready to focus on long-term habit change rather than quick fixes.

If you’re one or any of the above, you’re in the right place!

You can arrive at a place where your food, exercise & lifestyle behaviors are simple, automated, and actually enjoyable.

Moderation isn’t just reserved for other people—it’s for YOU, too!

And if you fear that more structure will lead to feeling overly restricted, I’ve got you! I created the course with you in mind.

You get to leave all the yo-yo-dieting, quick fix, fad diets in the past…forever.

Sound scary?

It’s normal to feel afraid of focusing on foundational habits rather than extremes. You worry you’ll never be able to reach your health or physique goals without them!

But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

The secret of those who easily live healthy lifestyles—and achieve physique goals—is they’ve taken the time to build a solid foundation of HABITS.

They don’t waste their time on the latest hacks & tricks! They’re focused on the big dial movers. The things that actually matter.

And if they want to turn up the dial to see some additional physique or fitness results? There’s no drama, because they know their bodies & how they interact with food so incredibly well.

There’s a way to achieve your goals from a place of ease, calm and confidence…and zero extremes.

That’s really what Healthy Habit Foundations is all about.

Building a foundation with food, exercise, and your lifestyle that will last you a lifetime.

Achieving what you’ve longed for for years—but doing it the right way.

When you let go of the fear of what will happen when you let go of the food drama & extremes…magic happens

HHF is NOT for you if...

  • You’re looking for a quick fix to weight loss.
  • You want hacks & tricks for fast results.
  • You don’t care about the well-being of your mind & body and are just focused on getting leaner.
  • You have extreme habits with food or exercise, such as bingeing, fear around eating enough food, anxiety without lots of exercise, chronic emotional eating, etc.
  • You’re desperate for your body to change so that you feel lovable or worthy.
  • The thought of dialing in your food or exercise habits is triggering.
  • You don’t want to make any changes whatsoever to your food & exercise choices.
  • You don’t want to put the time & effort in to experiment and are looking for meal templates & calorie numbers.
  • You want to track macros or calories.
  • You’re afraid of any kind of structure around food or exercise.

What you get!


8 modules that you’ll have immediate access to with exclusive video trainings, worksheets & guides.


you’ll receive access to all HHF course materials, including future updates, for the lifetime of the course!

Healthy Habit Foundations will take you from confused & frustrated with your chaotic habits to consistent, calm & confident...

…so you can… 

Spend more time enjoying your nights out rather than stressing about food.

Pursue more advanced weight loss techniques in the future with total ease.

Feel good in your body as you maintain your weight with ease.

You deserve a life full of memories, connections with loved ones, and adventures fully experienced.

You deserve to know…

How to make balanced meals for YOUR body that you actually enjoy.

How to automate your behaviors so you don’t have to play the guessing game with food & exercise for your entire life.

What it feels like to inhabit a body that is strong, stable & healthy.

You don’t have to sacrifice your relationship with food in the pursuit of health or looking the way you want.

You don’t have to sacrifice health or looking the way you want just so you can enjoy food.

There is a magical balance, and I can’t wait to show you how to achieve it!


Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly do I have to complete the modules?

You’ll have access to all course materials immediately after purchasing, and you can move through everything at your own pace. I recommend not taking more than one week to complete each module to sustain momentum.

Is there any support included?

Not at this time. This is a completely DIY course, but you will have access to the Facebook group for all of Jessie’s courses to communicate with other students. **Note: Jessie will not frequently be answering questions in there.

Will I have the content forever?

Yes! You’ll receive access to the course materials & all future updates for the lifetime of the program.

What if just want weight loss?

Many women will achieve weight loss by simply focusing on solid, healthy habits. However, it’s not guaranteed and isn’t the focus on the course. Consider this course the avenue to building your foundation or spring board for future weight loss. If you continue to pursue weight loss without this stable habits in place first, you’ll always be chasing your tail!

My more advanced weight loss course, Sustainably Lean Academy, is for those who already have this foundation in place.

Is HHF only for women?

HHF was created with anyone who identifies as a woman in mind. However, others can easily apply the information as well.

Do you offer refunds?

I do not.

Meet your mentor!

Hi, I'm Jessie! I struggled with endless dieting, bingeing, restriction, over-exercising, abusing my body, and terrible body image for nearly a decade.

I eventually threw my hands up in the air and shifted my focus to healing my relationship with food, from the inside-out—a life-changing decision I wish for every woman who struggles with their relationship with food.

As I healed my “food stuff” and after years of not trying to change my body, I honed in my own foundational healthy habits, implemented some structure, and everything with food and exercise became effortless.

[Note: This was after taking the time to heal my emotional relationship with food. That’s what my course Food Freedom Evolution is all about!]

It was incredibly freeing to know that I was treating my body well, all while spending such minimal time thinking about it!

I became a sponge for evidence-based nutrition information (after years of MISinformation), completed my Level 1 Precision Nutrition certification in 2017, and have learned the keys to long-lasting behavior change through coaching hundreds of women.

Through my experience of coaching hundreds of women, it became clear to me that there was a large gap in the discussion…

There are women who don’t have emotional baggage with food, yet they’re utterly confused by what is or isn’t true and haven’t been given the right tools to build their healthy foundation.

They lack structure, consistency, and automation with their food, exercise & lifestyle choices.
Hence, the birth of Healthy Habit Foundations!

Through my own journey, I have developed a passion for bringing the tools, insights, and evidence-based information I've learned to others, and I’m excited to show women that it doesn’t have to be black & white.

I want women to know that food, exercise and nutrition can feel effortless✨

See you inside!
