Food Freedom Evolution

By Jessie Golden

The step-by-step, proven online program that will take you from food-obsessed to intuitive eater


Ever feel like you've only been shown two approaches to

health, nutrition and weight loss?

It’s because you have.

1) The School of Strictly Intuitive Eating & Anti-Diet

All about loving yourself, rejecting diets, and listening to your hunger cues, intuitive eating sounds great, right? One problem, some people in this community take things too far, acting like you can't care about how you look AND take care of yourself. False. You can have mental freedom, respect yourself, and have goals for your body – it's YOUR body, after all, and you get to make the call. We just need to focus on the foundations first!

2) The Fad Diet & Weight Loss Obsession World

Paleo, Atkins, Weight Watchers, Low Carb – We’ve all heard of them. We’ve all tried at least one of them, right? They’re designed to help you achieve your physique goals, yet they’re almost always rooted in bad info, guilt, and shame. You're told to follow someone else's rules to achieve the “ideal,” even though they don't know you like you do. There's no "ideal" way to eat, look, or feel – you get to trust YOUR own body, and you get to make the call. This is where your freedom lies.

Ready to do things differently?

Most women were never taught any of this

That’s why so many of us find ourselves oscillating between throwing caution to the wind and turning food into a free-for-all OR following a list of external rules. It’s all-or-nothing. Never finding true balance and harmony within ourselves. 

Further, the idea that we’re not allowed to pursue what we really want for our bodies (like losing weight if we desire) adds another layer of guilt, shame, and anxiety. No thank you!

This keeps us always in imbalance, yo-yo-ing, and doubting. Searching for THE way that’ll work “for good.” 

And that right there highlights the key fundamental problem of following everyone else’s rule book: There is no search in the world that will find a plan that accounts for the most crucial factor to your success… 


Most women who come to me wanting to improve their relationships with food & their bodies are SO uncomfortable with the lack of rules. The idea that YOU hold the answers is terrifying. And yet, as they are guided back to themselves, a transformation occurs.

Their power grows. They reclaim their bodies and wellness…and they can’t ever go back.

No one can write the rules for you. That’s what’s landed you here. You have to write your own.

If your current idea of wellness looks something like…

  • Waking up Monday, running through all the ways you’re going to “be good” today with your food choices. How many carbs, calories, macros, [enter mechanism of the season] you’re allowed to have. The list of foods you’re not allowed to touch. How you’re going to work off and “undo” the damage from the weekend.

  • Despite the anxious pit in your stomach, part of you is excited by the idea of this being the time it all finally sticks. You’re hopeful! “I’ll be able to stick to all the rules this time,” you think. And sometimes you do! You gut it out. You may even see results! But then…

  • You notice yourself slipping. You can’t stop thinking about the cookies, cakes, chips, booze, and long list of foods you’re not allowed to have. “Just one bite”, you think, as you’re consumed with anxiety of what’s to come. One bite turns into the entire package.

  • The guilt & shame you feel afterwards is all-consuming so you then find yourself searching for ways to rid yourself of these emotions, which leads to MORE food, booze, or restrictions to cope.

  • Only to end your Sunday preparing for the new set of rules and restriction that’ll come on Monday. “This’ll be the week!

… I want you to know there’s another way.

Imagine instead...

  • You wake up excited for a purpose-driven day ahead. Food doesn’t even enter your mind until you begin to feel the pangs of hunger in your body—sensations you feel very comfortable discerning. ⁣

  • You’re eager to eat foods you LOVE that also contribute to your health. You know you can have both & you know you DESERVE both!

  • You stop eating when your body is satisfied without giving it a second thought. It’s simply innate.⁣

  • You can even eat processed foods when & how you choose, and one bite doesn’t turn into a full-on overeating fiasco.

  • You continue on with your day, fully engaged and present with your responsibilities and relationships. Your life receives ALL of you. 

  • You feel relaxed. Confident in your body’s intuition with food. Confident in your body’s intuition with LIFE. You move your body in a way that feels enjoyable and pleasurable, all while knowing what serves your body best.

You may not adore everything about your body, but wow, do you respect her.

You melt into your inherent worthiness and love to adorn yourself with deep connection, trust & respect.

Food and movement fuel your purpose rather than BEING your purpose.

This is how it’s meant to be.

Instead of trying to override the natural brilliance of  your body, you need to learn how speak its language

Create Your Own Rulebook

The way you eat should be based on YOU - your values, preferences, physiology, and desires…not external rules.

When you learn to guide yourself, you unlock mental freedom. You stop obsessing about food and live a full LIFE instead.

Befriend Your Body

Your body is your teammate, your ride-or-die. It is not the enemy. Enough of the war!

The innate wisdom built into it is cleverly designed to help you reach your fullest potential – in health, life, career, relationships.

When you learn how to interpret its feedback, you access that wisdom.

Become Your Own Trusted Expert

Lack of trust in yourself has led you to believe “they” know better – the gurus. Even when it felt wrong, you chose to trust their direction over your own body. 

When you learn to see yourself and your body as your most trusted experts, you will feel 100% confident in how to eat & move for your greatest wellbeing.

It’s time to throw out the rulebook and build a real relationship with your body as the ultimate authority.

It’s time to rekindle your trust in yourself and fall in love with food again.

Welcome to the complete remodeling of your foundation.


Food Freedom Evolution

The step-by-step, proven online program designed to facilitate a DEEP transformation that radically shifts your relationship with food from the inside out. This is the key to long-lasting freedom.

Inside you will...

  • Get off the ever-so-popular train of restriction, rules, meal plans, overeating, under-eating, too much exercise, or not enough. You’ll become true partners with your body – making decisions WITH your body. 

  • Rebuild your internal foundation so that your habits with food can (& will) shift *naturally.* You’ll never have to look to someone else for the answers—ever again.

  • Finally understand what everyone means when they say "intuition." By feeling deeply & truly connected with your body, you hear her whispers. You trust and honor the whispers so you don’t have to hear her roar.

  • Unlearn the BS diet dogma that has been dictating your food choices and learn the FACTS about food and your body. These will surprise you!

  • Radically shift the meaning you attach to your body. Poor body image and insecurity will be a thing of the past.

  • Realize just how much your relationship with food is reflected elsewhere in your life...and watch the rest transform, too. This is where the real magic happens!

Life with food becomes peaceful. Beautiful. Liberating.


What clients are saying

"It's insane to think about how much time I was spending thinking about food and working out and how obsessed I was over superficial goals. I'll still set goals for myself, because goals are motivating for me, they now come from a different place and are empowering and not punishing.

This program is a mature and grounded way to understand and connect with everything inside you from cravings, to obsessions, to reactions, to goals, to the things we tell ourselves."

- Beth C.

"My relationship with food is completely different than it has been over the last 15 years, which is crazy to say!

I was really shocked at how quickly I was able to find freedom from food & exercise."

- Sarah Z.

“I would tell someone who's scared to make their investment in Jessie's program to take the leap of faith, just as I did.

You will never regret investing in yourself, and this is truly the best thing I've ever done for myself.

I feel like a new person. I highly, highly, highly recommend this program!”

- Danielle


  • Get to the root of and heal what led you to your current relationship with food.
  • The 3 key, foundational pieces needed for you to have a healthy relationship with food & body.
  • Retrain your brain.
  • Understand the truth about your thought patterns and learn how to use them to your advantage.
  • Why you emotionally eat & how to begin seeing shifts ASAP.
  • Understand how your current beliefs are causing your issues with food.
  • Learn how to shift these beliefs so they’re working in your favor.
  • Discover the connection between self-worth and food, plus how to improve it.
  • Learn what intuition actually is for the mind, body, and soul.
  • Understand why it’s so difficult for you to connect with yours.
  • Discover how to begin connecting with and trusting yours.
  • Learn how your body communicates with you via biofeedback (and what this even looks like!)
  • Identify what hunger and fullness cues feel like within your own body.
  • Learn the basics of macronutrients and how to leverage this information without being obsessive.
  • Discover the many myths about exercise and how you’ve been lied to.
  • Understand how our bodies thrive off of seasons & why we must flow with these changes.
  • Learn the five common sources of your negative body image.
  • Discover the many misconceptions and truths about the female body.
  • Understand how to begin loving your body unconditionally.
  • Discover what your relationship with food is telling you about your relationship with yourself.
  • Understand how fulfillment in life manifests through food.
  • Learn how to tap into your own authentic expression and begin living in alignment.

You'll also get over $2,000 worth of bonuses

Intuitive Weight Loss

($297 value)

*If you* decide you want to pursue physique changes, I want you to be armed with evidence-based information AND know how to achieve them while maintaining complete freedom with food (yes, it’s possible!).

Intuitive Eating for Athletes Mini-Course

($197 value)

Learn how to balance your mental freedom while effectively fueling your body for exercise.

Meet Your Cycle

($297 value)

Learn how you can support and connect with your body in a cyclical way in this powerful training. Allow you and your body to finally be on the same page!

Freedom with Food Intolerances Training

($197 value)

We break down how to get your mind right with required food restrictions, so you feel well mentally AND physically.

Body Wisdom through Neuroscience

($497 value)

In this exclusive training, we explore a brain-based lens to your stress, pain & body experiences, which 100% impact your relationship with food & body!

Top 5 Tactical Tools & Strategies for Rapid Shifts

($197 value)

We’ll cover specific techniques for incorporating “fear foods”, identifying what’s “worth it” to you, how to know when to stop with mega-delicious foods, and more!

4 Group Coaching Call Recordings

($997 value)

We learn a TON from witnessing others overcome personalized challenges. In this call recordings, I'm coaching clients through very common roadblocks with tangible next steps.

After hearing these, clients say, "those are questions I didn't even think to ask, but I needed that, too!"

"It's crazy to see all this progress in a short period of time [after 3 modules!]."

Clothes are fitting better, health is improving...all while not obsessing over food!

She put off doing the work on her relationship with food, until she realized nothing would actually change - physically or mentally.

Now she's "just stopping" without having to force it or think about it!

Even a year later, the deep shifts are still cemented...without having to think about it.

You’ll find it all inside 

Freedom Food Evolution

  • Lifetime Access to The Freedom Food Evolution course & future updates ($997 value)
  • 8 Transformational Video Modules, including worksheets & guides ($1000 value)
  • Bonus #1: Intuitive Eating for Athletes Mini-Course ($297 value)
  • Bonus #2: Meet Your Cycle with Laura Wilkes ($297 value)
  • Bonus #3: Finding Freedom with Food Intolerances Training ($197 value)
  • Bonus #4: Body Wisdom through Neuroscience ($497 value)
  • Bonus #5: Top 5 Tactical Tools & Strategies for rapid food behavior shifts ($197 value)
  • Bonus #6: 4 Group Coaching Call Recordings ($997 value)



or 2 monthly x $257


What clients are saying

FFE is for you if...

  • You think about food 24/7 – more often than not daydreaming about the foods you’ve forbidden from the house so you can stay “on track.”
  • The thought of one more person saying “Just listen to your body” makes you want to cry in frustration. I’d love to, but how?! “Eat your feelings,” now that’s one you relate to.
  • MyFitnessPal is the most used app on your phone. Hitting your health goals means counting every calorie, gram, and morsel right? 
  • In an attempt to control how your body looks and feels you often under eat…and then over eat…and then back again.
  • You can’t remember what its like to eat without a diet, plan, or a set of food rules to follow. The idea alone makes you anxious.
  • Every visit to the gym or walk on the treadmill is an uphill battle. And more often than not, what gets you there is punishing yourself for the cookies you ate the night before.
  • You’re tired of obsessing over the food you eat and the calories you burn. You’re so ready to become the version of you that eats when she’s hungry, stops when satisfied, moves with your day – feels deeply connected to her body (and trusts herself enough to listen to it.)

Note: this course is NOT for those who have a clinical eating disorder.

**Contact a qualified professional instead - is a great resource for information.**

What clients are saying...

"I can honestly say. I would do it again in a heartbeat or I would pay double."

"It's a wonderful program that's worth every every single dollar you spend on it in time you put into it."

"I’m now coming from a place of self-respect and self-worth, and that makes my food decisions easy." 

Frequently Asked Questions

How quickly do I have to complete the modules?

You’ll have access to all course materials immediately after purchasing, and you can move through everything at your own pace. I recommend not taking more than 1-2 weeks to complete each module to sustain momentum, as we need it to facilitate long-term transformations. Our desire for comfort (what we currently do/know) is strong! This is normal, and we need some inertia on our side.

Is there any support included?

This is a completely DIY course, which means that there are no live elements or access to Jessie, BUT you will have access to the Food Freedom Evolution Student Facebook group so you can communicate and connect with other students who are currently on the same journey.

Will I have the content forever?

Yes! You’ll receive access to the course materials & all future updates for the lifetime of the program.

How much time does each module require?

Each module is around one hour of video content or less, and the homework can take anywhere from 5-60 minutes to complete. It depends how deep you're willing to go!

Is this course for me if I have an eating disorder?

NO, it is not. Please seek guidance and help from a qualified professional.

Is it ok if I want to lose weight?

In the long-term, yes! I support you in doing whatever you want to do with your own body. However, this is not a weight loss program. The focus of FFE is for you to experience a radical transformation with your *relationship with food* , and intentional weight loss at the same time can impede these efforts. So, intentional weight loss will need to be put on the back burner for now. Note: your body may change as a byproduct though!

If you know you'll want to pursue more structure in a balanced way after completing FFE, I recommending bundling your purchase with the Healthy Habit Foundations course at checkout.

Do you offer refunds?

I do not.


One payment of


8 educational modules with lifetime access

6 bonuses to guide you to food freedom at any stage of your journey

Exclusive guides & mindset exercises

2 x monthly payments of


8 educational modules with lifetime access

6 bonuses to guide you to food freedom at any stage of your journey

Exclusive guides & mindset exercises


Meet your mentor!

I struggled with endless dieting, bingeing, restriction, over-exercising, abusing my body, and terrible body image for nearly a decade.

It wasn't until I threw my hands up in the air and started to focus on my relationship with food that I finally experienced the freedom I so desperately craved.

Food, fitness, and my body are now means to an end, living a beautiful life, rather than the focus of my entire life. I eat healthy foods and move my body consistently *without having to force it one bit*.

Through my own journey, I have developed a passion for bringing the tools and insights I've learned to others, and I’m here to be the resource I wish I had access to for almost a decade!

I graduated from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating in 2016 as a Mind, Body, Nutrition Coach, I completed the Level 1 nutrition certification from Precision Nutrition in 2017, I'm a certified Menno Henselmans Personal Trainer, and I’ve helped over 500 women reclaim their freedom with food.

I truly believe that each woman on this planet has amazing gifts to offer and deserves to feel incredibly empowered. Healing your relationship with food is the gateway to this reality.


I want you to pause for a moment and consider...

How many hours a week do you spend thinking about your diet, your body, your fitness?

Now. Imagine what you could do with that time and energy if it all became easy and effortless for you - if it was second nature.  If you had so much confidence and trust in yourself that you knew exactly what your body needed, when it needed it. 

You don’t think about it, obsess over it. You just know.

What could you do with all of that freed-up time and energy? 

What could you build?

What could you create? 

How you could enjoy that time?

And with who?

Reclaiming freedom with food is about reclaiming life itself. It is the first domino in you reaching your absolute potential in life, career, relationships…

How long have you been doing what you’ve been doing, the way you’ve been doing it?

Trying to lose weight.

Trying to control your body.

Obsessed with and fearful of food.

…instead of living.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results, my friend.

It’s time to try something different. 

If you’re ready to stop obsessing about food, fitness & your body so you can become obsessed with your life instead,

Freedom Food Evolution will take you there. 

Join us.